Tag Archives: interview

Squash Is What Happens While You’re Busy Making Other Plans


Last week I was contacted by Jeff Lee behind the blog Recent Items.  He investigates  the importance of everyday creativity in relation to the creative industries that have risen in prominence over the last decades, and is especially interested personal, “under-the-radar” stories. Jeff liked my outdoor shower. He asked if he could interview me. I happily agreed, and as a consequence spent five days having to take two questions seriously; “Who am I?” and “What is art?” (I enjoyed it immensely, click here to read some of my thoughts.) While my brain was properly picked over the following days, other things weren’t. Squash, ladies and gentlemen, is what happens while you’re busy making other plans.

Old Zucchini

“Harvest at 5-8 cm”…


Luckily, everything in the garden hadn’t aged as badly.