Tag Archives: daylily

The Success Stories


Sweet Pea Old Spice Janet Scott


Let’s sum up some of this season’s successes: the sweet pea “Old Spice Janet Scott” in baby pink (above) definitely belongs there. So does the lavender “Munstead” that I thought was a total flop until to my surprise a number of them were suddenly sprouting. I have also nicked daylily seeds from a plot in the area next door. This has yielded a total of 6 new daylilies! Yay! The giant poppy that I sowed last year survived the winter and came out with one giant pink blossom in June. My waterlily survived the winter in the compost and the garlic has just been harvested with a much more satisfying result than last year.

A day lily that has been slow to blossom. To my delight it is yellow rather than orange.

One of the old daylilies that has been slow to blossom. To my delight it is yellow rather than orange.

New Day Lilies

New daylilies.