Blog Archives

The Bib


The Bib

Here’s another use for my old placemats. A bib! Templates can be found on the web. Since moisture ruins my placemats I want to seal the edges of the bib. I’m thinking I will do this with heat shrink tubing normally used for electrical cords. Let’s see how it plays out.


In the back the bib is fastened with a simple ribbon. Above I’m in the process of making the ribbon holes with a hole punch. I draw on tape which come right off when I’m done.


I’m hoping the heat shrink tubing will provide a water-resistant nice, smooth edge. This tubing is hollow, and slides off. I’m replacing it with tubing which comes with glue inside that melts.

The Shawl is in Place


The Shawl is in Place

Many handicraft hours later the daffodil shawl is in place on the tattered couch. The shawl was designed and made for this very spot, but that doesn’t mean I won’t miss it back in the apartment. The blue is supposed to remind you of Scilla, and the white of receding snow. Click the image for a link to the daffodil granny square pattern.